Genesis Residential Treatment Program is a comprehensive residential program located in the Ottawa area with behaviourally based treatment for adult males.
The mandate of this program is to be of high quality, reliable, effective, reasonable of cost, marked by compassion, competence and understanding of each individual’s well-being and care requirements. It is accountable to government, placement agencies, families and the residents it serves.
Genesis is privileged to offer services especially tailored to young men with a variety of behavioural challenges and borderline to mildly delayed intellectual ability. Our residents face a variety of disabilities such as ADHD, OCD, oppositional defiance or conduct disorders, attachment issues and historical problems of abuse, neglect or other trauma. They are often struggling with regulating explosive behaviour, developing healthy sexuality and achieving social-emotional stability to maximize their strengths.
Helping adults develop adaptive coping, social, anger management, problem solving and executive functioning skills, and community living skills are integral aspects fo the program.